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Porvoo Reformed Baptist Church - was planted as a small Bible study group in 2021 and was established officially on the first of March 2023. As a Church we want to live out these words Paul wrote to the Church in Philippi (1:9-11):

And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ,  filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God.

What we believe

1. The Triune God - One God in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit - is the Creator of all things and the almighty ruler who governs everything according to His will. God is completely holy, good, and perfect in all His attributes. The persons of God share all the attributes of God and are equal in power and glory.


2. The ultimate purpose of God in all things is to glorify His own name throughout creation, especially in humanity, whom He created in His own image: male and female. Thus, the purpose of humanity is also to glorify God and enjoy Him forever.


3. The Old Testament (39 books) and the New Testament (27 books) of the Bible are the inspired word of God, which is our highest authority in faith and life. As God's speech, the Bible is completely flawless in its original writings.


4. Humanity fell into sin in Adam, which radically and comprehensively corrupted human body, soul, and mind. Adam's fall also brought a curse upon the whole creation, including physical, spiritual, and eternal death for humanity. Thus, the communion with the holy God was lost, and therefore, human beings are born sinful, and God's righteous wrath rests upon them.


5. Out of His love, God the Father sent His own Son into the world to save it from sin and the power of death. Salvation is found only through Jesus Christ.


6. Jesus Christ is both true God and true man. He was born of the virgin Mary through the work of the Holy Spirit, lived a sinless life, died a penal substitutionary death on the cross for our sins, and physically rose from the dead on the third day according to the Scriptures.


7. Jesus Christ ascended into heaven, where He sits at the right hand of the Father, having all authority in heaven and on earth. As the High Priest of God's own, Christ always intercedes for His own and is powerful to save all who approach the Father through Him.


8. From the Father, Jesus is coming again to judge all the living and the dead. All the dead will be raised, after which God's justice will meet those without faith, and they will be condemned to hell for eternal suffering. Those who trust in Christ, on the other hand, will inherit everything with Christ and dwell eternally in the renewed creation in the presence of the Lord, as heaven descends to earth.


9. Human salvation - eternal life - is received as a gift from God. Salvation happens solely by God's will, by God's grace alone, through faith alone, and for the sake of Christ's life, death, and resurrection alone. Through faith, a person is justified before God, without the requirement of works of the law. The justified person is accepted before the Father solely on the basis of Christ's perfect obedience and righteousness. The justified person is also sanctified by the work of the Spirit, being transformed day by day more into the likeness of Christ. The completion of that likeness happens in the glorification of the body - at the return of Jesus.


10. God commands all people everywhere to repent of their sins and believe in the gospel.


11. For a person to enter into God's kingdom and live as a citizen of that kingdom, they must be born again from above. This regeneration is the sovereign work of the Holy Spirit in the human heart.


12. The Christian church is a spiritual building constructed by God and a holy people redeemed by Jesus from all nations, consisting of repentant and believing sinners who confess Jesus as Lord and God's Son, and in whose lives the Spirit produces fruit. They are baptized by one Spirit into one body, with Christ as the head, and the Lord will keep them in faith until the end. The Holy Spirit also distributes gifts to them according to His will for the building up of the church.


13. Christians have the duty to walk worthy of the gospel call they have received. They must not deliberately sin after knowing the truth. Instead, they must be persistent in prayer, confess their sins, mortify the lusts and desires of the flesh, and fight against Satan with the Spirit of God and the word of God.


14. The church is obligated in the Great Commission to continue proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people, expecting that the Lord can do more through us than we can ask. The church should partake in the Lord's Supper together, baptize those who confess their faith, and strive to disciple nations, teaching them to observe all that the Lord has commanded.

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